These 2 days of postings brought me a little bit too much of question marks and surprised.
Lets talk about realistic and realistic,plus REAL realistic.
There comes a male stroke patient (ahha.He is a mixed. Chinese + Malay).
Age, unknown.Anyway he looks young,under 35.
Therefore we called it LIFE whereas everyone thought that having stroke 'supposed to be' happened during golden age.
But now,we should understand right.
When he was diagnosed of having stroke,his wife left him.He doesnt know where is she now.
Like a storyline in a movie or a novel isn'it.
Well,this is so called as realistic and,without Love in a marriage?
And everytime he brought to centre here for physio treatment by his parents.
Charges here not cheap.Parents are the one who have to earn money.Perhaps they have 48hours in a day to complete so many responsibility.
**Yet somehow who would put the hands up and claimed that 'I dont want money BUT honey' huh!
Another case was with a Pakistanese patient who couldn't understand English at all.
Its very tough to let her understand and then follow my guidance.
Luckily her grand-daughters dont mind to act as my translators! gee.
Let me teach let me teach,Pakistan words :
Grab the ball : 'bolleh' (ball?)
Let go : 'Dedehh'
Close the mouth : Mobankringg (Mobile-kering?)
Nanny : Nannih
And some other words I've learnt but I forgot. Haha.
Its joyful to learn another language. =D
**If there's a French patient,I would be no grudge to take care of him/her all day long I wonder?
Gahh.No offence.*
I meet so many cute grandpa grandma over here.
Smile,Laughter,are our communication tools.
Life should be getting more and more interesting while challenges come along.
But please,not too excessive one or else I cant stand it.
(The good vibes will do you wonder!!)
God Bless,peeps!
Currently reading this novel:
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